Who We Are
About Us
In 2007 a handful of concerned citizens rallied to save the community’s first Fire House from demolition by acquiring, relocating, restoring and preserving it for future generations. With the efforts to save the Fire House under way, it soon became evident that there was more to do. A decision was made to make Application to the New York State Board of Regents to establish a museum to celebrate the history of the Cold Spring Harbor Volunteer Fire Department and the community it serves. Thereafter, the Museum was recognized as a tax exempt, 501 C3 corporation.
We invite you to step into the past. Visit our Nationally Registered Fire House (circa 1896). See and feel the texture of its wainscoted walls and ceilings. Delight in the tinny sounds of the Museum’s century old Nickelodeon. Let your imagination take you back to a time when neighbors stood side by side in the small whaling port of Cold Spring Harbor and fought the ravages of fire. Learn how they formed bucket brigades and pulled a small wood hand pumper (circa 1852) over rutted roads to the scene of a fire and feverishly pumped its wooden arms in an effort to cast a stream of water on to a fire, in an oft futile attempt to save a home or business from destruction. Stand witness to the evolution of fire fighting and salute the generations of residents who have been and continue to be a “volunteer”.

Bernard F. Reynolds
Vice President
Michael Reardon
Judy Hogan
Thomas Calabrese, Jr.
Robert Biersack
Docent Emeritus
Millicent Luckett
Advisory Board
Peter Como
James Felton
James Garcide
Matthew L. Kansler
Tom Hogan
Peggy Hogan Marker
Trustees Emeritus
Glen van Cott
John C. Welsh
Web Design
Victoria Carroll